Monday 25 October 2010


Manchester Art Gallery

Recently I went to Manchester Art Gallery to view an exhibition called "The Recorder Exhibition" by Mexican-Canadian electronic artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

One of the pieces of work that interested me wasa piece called "Pulse Room", that use visitors’ heartbeats to transmitt their heart beat pattern into a light bulb. The piece uses contains a 100 lightbulbs suspended from the ceiling.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Pulse Room (Puebla, México 2006)

The interface, a simple metal handle, transmits a visitor’s pulse to a lightbulb after ten seconds. If another visitor touches the handle, his pulse is transmitted to the first lightbulb and the rhythm of its predecessor is transmitted to the next lightbulb in the series – thus the digital traces left by 100 visitors are permanently present in the exhibition in this poetic installation.

This piece appeals to my current project, where i'm using peoples emotions and translating them into light. Due to the fact that this piece uses peoples heartbeats to create a ceiling full of magical lights that flicker on and off to form one whole piece.

Pulse Room, 2006, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

The exhibition also showed various other types of recording devices, from microphones that can be used to record a question or people talking, then can be played later to new guest, a screen that records the pattern of your finger prints, and various other pieces that recorder and object or persons image.

Pulse Index, 2010, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

33 Questions Per Minute, 2000
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 33 Questions Per Minute

A computer program generates 55 billion grammatically-correct questions at a rate of 33 per minute – the threshold of legibility. The software has been programmed to avoid repeating the same question, and will take over 3,000 years to present all the possible word combinations

Please Empty Your Pockets, 2010
Please Empty Your Pockets, 2010, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Any item up can be placed on the conveyor belt. Once the objects pass under a scanner an image is captured and you will see them reappear on the other side of the belt, beside projected images drawn from the memory of the installation

In Microphone, 2006
Microphones, 2008, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer


Microphones features ten 1939-vintage Shure microphones. Each one has been modified, to include a tiny loudspeaker and a circuit board in the head, which are connected to a network of hidden control computers. When you speak into one of these microphones, it records your voice and immediately plays back the voice of a previous participant, so the microphones speak back to you, replaying up to 600,000 memories as an echo from the past.

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